Saturday, February 20, 2016

Another little project near completion.

Some time ago, while test running my Corvair aircraft engine on my VP-2, I came to the realization that my fuel tank may be too low to provide adequate pressure and for the carburetor.  So..I opted to add a couple of facet pumps in series.  Now, this is all well and good but I had to monitor the fuel pressure some how.  Problems faced;

  1. I didn't want to use a steam gauge for fuel pressure
  • If there is a line rupture; fuel loss and possible fire.
  • ABSOLUTELY no pressurized fuel lines in the cockpit.
  • They are rarely accurate when dealing with low pressures.
      2. After market fuel pressure gauge and senders are outrageous in price.
      3. I needed something that can be customized.

In the end I designed my own.  I found this transducer below, simple, high burst pressure and an active sensor.

Range 0 - 5 psi (0.5VDC - 5VDC)

It's a little on the pricey side, but i liked it and it would work good for what I needed.

Next Step, the display; something small, inexpensive and dependable and made from off the shelf parts.  Arduino, custom PCB and 8X2 LCD.

In the pic above where you see the "XXXXXX", there is room to add another sensor monitor. The PCB has provisions for such a thing. From the top, the screw terminals are as follows:

  1. 12V Neg
  2. 12V Pos
  3. 5V Neg (for power to sensors)
  4. 5V Pos  "                               "
  5. Sensor Input "2"
  6. Sensor Input "1"
This is a very simple, no frill data display.  The design files for the PCB are below plus the Arduino Sketch.  Total price including the transducer, about $60.

As soon as my 3D printer gets here I will design an enclosure for it and share it also.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

   OK....Forget Ethernet, forget Java Script, forget the BeagleBone and SBC's, back-up and start over.  I said it once and I will say it again "KISS"(Keep It Simple Stupid).  And, another DUH!! moment.  I had totally forgot about these guys in Australia; 4D Systems. They make some pretty cool display modules, for what they do, plus the tools available, you can't beat the price.
   After you buy a BeagleBone Black(~$50), The display(~$90), Ethernet Shield(~$15), and less hassle and headache(~$priceless), this display is WORTH IT!!  So...once again...a design change, using a 4D Systems uLCD-70DT-AR , which comes with an Arduino adapter, and an open-source library to talk to the display.  You can't get no easier than this.  I just ordered one from Mouser and I am currently playing with the IDE.  Here is a pic:
More too come.

Slight change in the EFIS & EIS Arduino adapter.

I removed the header for the ENC28J60 Ethernet adapter, and opted for a W5100 Ethernet shield;  since this is only a prototype.  If the design proves successful, all features will be implemented into a single board.  
The prototype as of now consist of the adapter pictured above, an Arduino Mega 2560, then a W5100 Ethernet all stacked atop one another .

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Hopefully, soon, an inexpensive and simple EFIS & EIS

For the uninitiated, Electronic Flight Information System & Engine Information System.

   Well....I had a big DUH!! moment earlier; instead of going through the pain of developing a cross platform application for this EFIS.  Why not just serve it from the this is the route the project has taken now, using HTML5 Canvas and Java Scripts.  More updates coming soon.

Some time ago, while working on my VP-2; I noticed that the cost of flight instruments is outrageous!  So, I had the idea to build my own as many of us do.  Basically, here is my outlined requirements for such a creature.
  • Simple
  • Inexpensive
  • Portable, Can be used with more than one Aircraft, Very Low Power usage < 1 Amp @ 5 VDC
  • Off the self components
  • Multiplatform
And, here is what I have so far:

Adapter to use an Arduino Mega, for Flight and Engine
8 Analog Inputs, for VDO auto sensors or Active sensors
8 Thermocouple Inputs

Now for the display; Maybe any type of computer can be used, No Tablets, currently I am using a Beagle Bone Black for development, 8" touchscreen.  The Arduino and the app use ModbusTCP for communication.

Here are screenshots of the app, both the main screen and the settings screen:

This may look big in the pictures, but on an 8" screen, it's quite small.